Uandishi wa CV unategemea sana secta husika, CV za wahandisi ni tofauti na za wanasheria au waalimu nk.
Lakini CV zote zinafuata mlolongo huu hapa chini
- Kichwa cha habari -mfano CV au Resume
- Taarifa za mawasiliano -mfano simu ya kiganjani na barua pepe yaani email
- Taarifa binafsi – mfano jina, jinsia, umri, unakoishi, nk. Usiweke taarifa binafsi zitakazochochea ubaguzi kama dini yako, picha yako nk
- Muhtasari wa taaluma yako (Career summary)
- Mafanikio ya kitaaluma (Career achievements) <=10 years
- Uzoefu wa kazi – (Job experience) <=10 years
- Mafunzo ya kujengwa uwezo – Capacity Building Attended
- Mafunzo ya kujenga uwezo – Capacity Building Conducted
- Historia ya elimu -Education Background
- Uwezo mwingine – Other potentials
- Mashahidi – References
Mwisho (End):
Kama umependa makala hii weka maoni yako ya shukrani hapo chini au washirikishe marafiki zako wa kwenye Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Whatsapp, Twitter na kwenye email au mitandao mingine ya kijamii. Wasiliana nasi kama unataka kuweka kwenye blogu au website yako kwa maelekezo zaidi
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Tutembelee kwenye mitandao ya kijamii hapa chini:
We offer but not limited to the following:
Business Office Documents Development, Company Registration, Business Plan Development, Curricula Development for colleges, Office Digitization Consultancy, Online Presence and Marketing Consultancy, Leadership and Management Consultancy, Constitution Development and much more
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