From February 1, 2018 #BRELA announced the establishment of its system for facilitating the owners of business companies to register and submit returns to BRELA. Also BRELA already announced that in the date 25 March 2018 its original system of OBRS which was allowing registration of business name and clearance of the company’s name through the website was to be closed officially to allow the new system of ORS with the capacity of registering business and company names which officially start doing work.
Ten steps to register a business name are explained below.
For those who would like to register the companies or business names immediately please contact me through this page contacts
Step#1: Registrar’s Information, Owner or Owners of the Business
- National identity for the citizens and passport for foreigners
- Mobile phone
- E-mail address
Step #2: Business Information
- Type of business( individual, partners or organization)
- The business name
Step #3: Business Location
- location type (either surveyed or not)
- If not surveyed prepare a physical location in this format, region name, district, ward, village, suburb and explain if the location is near signs which does not move like primary school etc. do not put signs which are not permanent because BRELA will not accept them.
- If surveyed prepare the following: region name, district, ward, village/street, road, plot number, nursery number and house number, post office box, office telephone /mobile and e-mail address
- Region: Arusha,
- District: Arusha CBD,
- Ward: Unga Limited,
- Postal: code 23107,
- Street: Viwandani,
- Suburb: Olevolosi
- Near to ATOZ Factory
- Region Arusha,
- District Arusha CBD,
- Ward Kati,
- Postal code 23102,
- Street: New Livingstone Street,
- Road: New Livingstone Road,
- Plot number: 91,
- Block number: F,
- House number: 704
Step #4: Business Activities
o Mention business activities as listed in the ISIC Classification system
Step #5: Business Owner’s Information Including Bank Account If Available
- Type of owner ( individual or institution )
- Origin, (citizen or foreigner)
- National Identity if citizen or passport if foreigner.
- Mobile number
- E-mail address
- Physical location for every owner following the format of office address
Step #6: Business Bank Account Information
- Type of owner ( individual or institution)
- Origin, ( citizen or foreigner)
- National identity if a citizen or passport if foreigner
- Mobile number
- E-mail address
- Physical location for every owner following the format of office address above
Step #7: Person who can update ORS Information
- Type of owner ( individual or institution)
- Origin ( citizen or foreigner)
- National identity if a citizen or passport if foreigner
- Mobile number
- E-mail address
- Physical location for every owner following the format of office address above
Step #8: Attachments in PDF
Attachments are to be attached in the application all in pdf which is:-
- Consolidated form which is signed by all owners of the business
- Other attachments follow
Step #9: Registration and Filing Fees (Different Fees)
Types of fees are as follows;
- Business registration = TZS. 15,000/=
- Storage of documents = TZS. 5,000per year
Step #10: Payment Methods
Fee payment can be made through;
- Mobile phone using M-PESA, Tigo Pesa, Airtel Money and HaloPesa
- Paying through bank account in CRDB or NMB bank
Remember: the order of payment is either through mobile phone or bank; you will be given the procedure after reaching here
Conclusions and Advice
BRELA won’t be using old method for registration that is to send hard paper and wait for it for six days. Also BRELA doesn’t allow a person without national ID that is #NIDA to register a company or a business name. Information’s given above are those which are compulsory with which without them you cannot complete your registration.
I advice the following:
- I advice if you want to fast registration and you have en rolled to get a national identity visit any NIDA office near you so that they can at least give you your national identity number so you can use it.
- I also advice if you have not yet enrolled its best if you hurry, even through the location which the exercise is earlier because the government has started to prevent public services if no identity.
- Lastly I advice that you should have this information in hands because this system of registration of ORS will give you only six days (6 days) to accomplish the registration, if you have not accomplished after those days, all information will be erased and will bid you to start a fresh from the scratch.
For those who would like to register their companies or business names immediately please contact me through this page of contacts
Mwisho (End):
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