company profile

How to Write a Company Profile


Name: Goodlove Herman

Position: Director



Phone: +255712356455

Postal Address: PO Box 10000, Arusha, Tanzania

Location: Arusha

Country: Tanzania

Region: East Africa

Legal Form and Owners

put here the form of the company here; is it a private limited by share, guarantee, unlimited company or else (for privacy reasons get the written permission from the company owners or you can list according to they experience, education and gender etc. you may later submit in private to the beneficiary the lists of names)

Registered No.:

put here

Registered Name:

put legal or official name here

Registered Date

put here

Company Description:

put the description here relating the description with the targeted audience

Fixed Assets






list here
Board of directors = 7
Full-time consultants = 3
Full time officers =4
Support staffs = 5
Associate consultants = 2
Part-time consultants = 1
Part-time staffs = 3
Primary Roles
List them here

Primary Company Objectives (Current)

List them here

Secondary Company Objectives (Current)

List them here

Our Niche Markets

List them here

Past Experience or work

List the work you have done successfully here include photo, video DVD if applicable etc

Reviews and References

  1. If you have reviews from happy customers please furnish them here including links to reviews blogs/directories or social media
  2. list at least 3 happy customers and their contact email or phone or both here
  3. list any other reputed reference with their contact URL, email or phone or both here
  4. your membership body/authority with their contact URL, email or phone or both here
  5. your affiliates with their contact URL, email or phone or both here
  6. Link References to ongoing or pasts digital projects if any



  1. Include any attachment that will add value to this profile
  2. The attachmnet may include, contracts and agreements, licences, TAX clearances, Award certificates, Membership certificates, official letters of apreciations, MOUs, Recorded DVD of interests, any other testimonial if any

Mwisho (End):

Kama umependa makala hii weka maoni yako ya shukrani hapo chini au washirikishe marafiki zako wa kwenye Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Whatsapp, Twitter na kwenye email au mitandao mingine ya kijamii. Wasiliana nasi kama unataka kuweka kwenye blogu au website yako kwa maelekezo zaidi

If you found this article helpful please leave the comment below or share to your friends in Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Whatsapp, Twitter and in email or other social media. Contact us if you plan to list in your blog or website for further instructions.

Tutembelee kwenye mitandao ya kijamii hapa chini:

We offer but not limited to the following:
Business Office Documents Development, Company Registration, Business Plan Development, Curricula Development for colleges, Office Digitization Consultancy, Online Presence and Marketing Consultancy, Leadership and Management Consultancy, Constitution Development  and much more

English Form

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